# pager
function _linux_pager {
# The first argument is the pager command name
$pager = $Args[0]
# Remove pager command from arguments to pass arguments to pager
$Args = $Args[1..($Args.Length - 1)]
if ($Input.Length) {
# Prepare temporary file path
$_temp = New-TemporaryFile
# Write data from pipeline to the temporary file
$Input | Out-File $_temp
# Do less
wsl $pager $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ') $(_path_to_linux $_temp.ToString()).Split(' ')
# Delete unnecessary temporary file and variable
Remove-Item $_temp
Remove-Variable _temp
else {
wsl $pager $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ')
function less { _linux_pager less $Args.Split(' ') }
function lv { _linux_pager lv $Args.Split(' ') }
この書き方には少なくとも2つの問題がある。まず1つ目は、「$Args.Split(’ ‘)」の部分だ。引数が何もなかった場合、この部分はエラーになる。
これらの問題を解決するには、less関数およびlv関数でパイプラインを加味した処理の分離を行い、かつ「$Args.Split(’ ‘) 」を使わないように書き換えればよい。なるべく無駄を省きつつ、前回のスクリプトを改善するとすれば、次のような感じになる。less関数とlv関数側でパイプライン接続の有無に応じてパイプライン接続するかどうかを切り分け、$Argsもそのまま渡して「$Args.Split(’ ‘) 」の問題を回避している。
# pager
function _linux_pager_wi_pipe {
$pager = $Args[0]
$Args = $Args[1]
# Prepare temporary file path
$_temp = New-TemporaryFile
# Write data from pipeline to the temporary file
$Input | Out-File $_temp
# Do less
wsl $pager $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ') $(_path_to_linux $_temp.ToString()).Split(' ' )
# Delete unnecessary temporary file and variable
Remove-Item $_temp
Remove-Variable _temp
function _linux_pager_no_pipe {
$pager = $Args[0]
$Args = $Args[1]
wsl $pager $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ')
function less {
if ($Input.Length) {
$Input |
_linux_pager_wi_pipe "less" $Args
else {
_linux_pager_no_pipe "less" $Args
function lv {
if ($Input.Length) {
$Input |
_linux_pager_wi_pipe "lv" $Args
else {
_linux_pager_no_pipe "lv" $Args
- ページャ関数を文字列として変数に格納
- 変数の内容を一時ファイルに書き出す
- 一時ファイルをPowerShellで読み込むことで関数定義として反映させる
# pager
function less {
if ($Input.Length) {
# Prepare temporary file path
$_temp = New-TemporaryFile
# Write data from pipeline to the temporary file
$Input | Out-File $_temp
# Do less
wsl less $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ') `
$(_path_to_linux $_temp.ToString()).Split(' ')
# Delete unnecessary temporary file and variable
Remove-Item $_temp
Remove-Variable _temp
else {
wsl less $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ')
# pagers
$_linux_pagers = @("less", "lv")
ForEach($_n in $_linux_pagers) {
$_linux_functions += "
function $_n {
if (`$Input.Length) {
# Prepare temporary file path
`$_temp = New-TemporaryFile
# Write data from pipeline to the temporary file
`$Input | Out-File `$_temp
# Do $_n
wsl $_n `$(_path_to_linux `$Args).Split(' ') ``
`$(_path_to_linux `$_temp.ToString()).Split(' ')
# Delete unnecessary temporary file and variable
Remove-Item `$_temp
Remove-Variable _temp
else {
wsl $_n `$(_path_to_linux `$Args).Split(' ')
使用するページャは「$_linux_pagers = @(“less”, “lv”)」として配列にまとめた。この配列に新しいページャを追加するだけで、使用するページャを増やすことができる。これで前回よりもスッキリとページャの追加ができるようになったわけだ。最終的な設定ファイル($PROFILE)は付録として稿末にまとめておくので、そちらを参照していただきたい。
# Set encoding to UTF-8
# [System.Console]::OutputEncoding is set to local encoding, so character
# corruption occurs when piped from WSL to WSL. Therefore, set
# [System.Console]::OutputEncoding and $OutputEncoding to UTF-8 to avoid
# the problem.
$OutputEncoding = [System.Console]::OutputEncoding =
# Definition of Linux commands used via wsl
# Linux pagers
$_linux_pagers = @("less", "lv")
# Linux PATH and commands
$_linux_path = (wsl echo '$PATH').Split(":") -NotMatch "/mnt"
$_linux_command_paths = (
wsl ls -d ($_linux_path[($_linux_path.Length - 1)..0] -replace "$","/*")
) 2> $null
# Generate Linux command functions
ForEach($n in $_linux_command_paths) {
$_n = (Split-Path -Leaf $n)
$_linux_functions += "
function $_n {
if (`$Input.Length) {
`$Input | wsl $n `$(_path_to_linux `$Args).Split(' ')
else {
wsl $n `$(_path_to_linux `$Args).Split(' ')
# Generate Linux pagers functions
ForEach($_n in $_linux_pagers) {
$_linux_functions += "
function $_n {
if (`$Input.Length) {
# Prepare temporary file path
`$_temp = New-TemporaryFile
# Write data from pipeline to the temporary file
`$Input | Out-File `$_temp
# Do $_n
wsl $_n `$(_path_to_linux `$Args).Split(' ') ``
`$(_path_to_linux `$_temp.ToString()).Split(' ')
# Delete unnecessary temporary file and variable
Remove-Item `$_temp
Remove-Variable _temp
else {
wsl $_n `$(_path_to_linux `$Args).Split(' ')
$_linux_functions += @'
function _path_to_linux {
$linuxpath = @()
# Convert arguments to Linux path style
ForEach($winpath in $Args) {
if ($winpath -eq $null) {
# Change drive path to mount path
if ($winpath -match '^[A-Z]:') {
$drive = $winpath.Substring(0,1).ToLower()
$linuxpath += "/mnt/" + $drive + $winpath.Substring(2).Replace('\','/')
# Option is not converted
elseif ($winpath -match '^[-+]') {
$linuxpath += $winpath
# Other argument is converted
else {
$linuxpath += ([String]$winpath).Replace('\','/')
# Prepare temporary file path with extension .ps1
$_temp = New-TemporaryFile
$_temp_ps1 = $_temp.FullName + ".ps1"
Remove-Item $_temp
# Write function definition to temporary .ps1 file and parse
$_linux_functions | Out-File $_temp_ps1
. $_temp_ps1
Remove-Item $_temp_ps1
# Delete unnecessary variables
Remove-Variable n
Remove-Variable _n
Remove-Variable _temp
Remove-Variable _temp_ps1
Remove-Variable _linux_path
Remove-Variable _linux_command_paths
Remove-Variable _linux_functions
# Individual Linux command function definitions
# grep
function grep {
$pattern_exists = $False
$path_exists = $False
$skip = $False
$i = 0
ForEach($a in $Args) {
if ($skip) {
$skip = $False
# Options without argumetn
if ($a -cmatch '^-[abcdDEFGHhIiJLlmnOopqRSsUVvwxZ]') {
# Options with argument
elseif ($a -cmatch '^-[ABC]') {
$skip = $True
# Pattern file specification option
elseif ($a -ceq '-f') {
$skip = $True
$pattern_exists = $True
$Args[$i+1] = _path_to_linux $Args[$i+1]
# Pattern specification option
elseif ($a -ceq '-e') {
$skip = $True
$pattern_exists = $True
# Pattern or file path
elseif ($a -cnotmatch '^-') {
if ($pattern_exists) {
$path_exists = $True
else {
$pattern_exists = $True
# Change file path
if ($path_exists) {
$Args[-1] = _path_to_linux $Args[-1]
$Input | wsl grep $Args
# ls
Get-Alias ls *> $null && Remove-Item alias:ls
function ls { wsl ls --color=auto $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ') }
function ll { ls -l $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ') }
function la { ls -a $(_path_to_linux $Args).Split(' ') }
# Alias definition
Set-Alias -Name open -Value explorer
Set-Alias -Name edge -Value "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe"
Set-Alias -Name chrome -Value "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
Get-Alias man *> $null && Remove-Item alias:man