Hackernoonは5月20日(米国時間)、「GitHub’s Top 100 Most Valuable Repositories Out of 96 Million」において、GitHubのデータを分析して価値の高いプロジェクトトップ100を公開した。定量化にはUOSnetworkの「U○OS blockchanin framework [PDF]」が使われている。
- Google Kubernetes - Container scheduling and management
- Apache Spark - A unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing
- Microsoft Visual Studio Code - A source-code editor
- NixOS Package Collection - A collection of packages for the Nix package manager
- Rust - Programming language
- Firehol IP Lists - Blacklists for Firehol, a firewall builder
- Red Hat OpenShift - A community distribution of Kubernetes optimized for continuous application development and multi-tenant deployment
- Ansible - A deployment automation platform
- Automattic WordPress Calypso - A JavaScript and API powered front-end for WordPress.com
- Microsoft .NET CoreFX - Foundational class libraries for .NET Core
- Microsoft .NET Roslyn - .NET compiler
- Node.js - A JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine
- TensorFlow - Google’s machine learning framework
- freeCodeCamp - Code learning platform
- Space Station 13 - A round-based roleplaying game
- Apple Swift - Apple’s programming language
- Elasticsearch - A search engine
- Moby - An open framework to assemble specialized container systems
- CockroachDB - A cloud-native SQL database
- Cydia Compatibility Checker - A compatibility checker for Cydia — a package manager for iOS jailbroken devices
- Servo - A web browser engine
- Google Flutter - Google’s mobile app SDK to create interfaces for iOS and Android
- macOS Homebrew Package Manager - Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS
- Home Assistant - Home automation software
- Microsoft .NET CoreCLR - Runtime for .NET Core
- CocoaPods Specifications - Specifications for CocoaPods, a Cocoa dependency manager
- Elastic Kibana - An analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch
- Julia Language - A technical computing language
- Microsoft TypeScript - A superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript
- Joomla - A content management system
- DefinitelyTyped - A repository for TypeScript type definitions
- Homebrew Cask - A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
- Ceph - A distributed object, block, and file storage platform
- Go - Programming language
- AMP HTML Builder - A way to build pages for Google AMP
- Open edX - An online education platform
- Pandas - A data analysis and manipulation library for Python
- Istio - A platform to manage microservices
- ManageIQ - A containers, virtual machines, networks, and storage management platform
- Godot Engine - A multi-platform 2D and 3D game engine
- Gentoo Repository Mirror - A Gentoo ebuild repository mirror
- Odoo - A suite of web based open source business apps
- Azure Documentation - Documentation of Microsoft Azure
- Magento - An eCommerce platform
- Saltstack - Software to automate the management and configuration of any infrastructure or application at scale
- AdGuard Filters - Ad blocking filters for AdGuard
- Symfony - A PHP framework
- CMS Software for the Large Hadron Collider - Particle detector software components for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
- Red Hat OpenShift - OpenShift installation and configuration management
- ownCloud - Personal cloud software
- gRPC - A remote procedure call (RPC) framework
- Liferay - An enterprise web platform
- CommCare HQ - A mobile data collection platform
- WordPress Gutenberg - An editor plugin for WordPress
- PyTorch - A Python package for Tensor computation and deep neural networks
- Kubernetes Test Infrastructure - A test-infra repository for Kubernetes
- Keybase - Keybase client repository
- Facebook React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Code.org - Code learning resource
- Bitcoin Core - Bitcoin client software
- Arm Mbed OS - A platform operating system for the Internet of Things
- scikit-learn - A Python module for machine learning
- Nextcloud - A self-hosted productivity platform
- Helm Charts - A curated list of applications for Kubernetes
- Terraform - An infrastructure management tool
- Ant Design - A UI design language
- Phalcon Framework Documentation - Documentation for Phalcon, a PHP framework
- Documentation for CMS Software for the Large Hadron Collider - Documentation for CMS Software for CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
- Apache Kafka Mirror - A mirror for Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform
- Electron - A framework to write cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS
- Zephyr Project - A real-time operating system
- The web-platform-tests Project - A cross-browser testsuite for the Web-platform stack
- Marlin Firmware - Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers based on the Arduino platform
- Apache MXNet - A library for deep learning
- Apache Beam - A unified programming model
- Fastlane - A build and release automaton for iOS and Android apps
- Kubernetes Website and Documentation - A repository for the Kubernetes website and documentation
- Ruby on Rails - A web-application framework
- Zulip - Team chat software
- Laravel - A web application framework
- Baidu PaddlePaddle - Baidu’s deep learning framework
- Gatsby - A web application framework
- Rust Crate Registry - Rust’s community package registry
- Nintendo 3DS Custom Firmware - A complete guide to 3DS custom firmware
- TiDB - A NewSQL database
- Angular CLI - CLI tool for Angular, a Google web application framework
- MAPS.ME - Offline OpenStreetMap maps for iOS and Android
- Eclipse Che - A cloud IDE for Eclipse
- Brave Browser - A browser with native BAT cryptocurrency
- Patchwork - A repository to learn Git
- Angular Material - Component infrastructure and Material Design components for Angular, a Google web application framework
- Python - Programming language
- Space Station 13 - A round-based roleplaying game
- Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - A turn-based survival game
- Material-UI - React components that implement Google’s Material Design
- Ionic - A Progressive Web Apps development framework
- Oppia - A tool for collaboratively building interactive lessons
- Alluxio - A virtual distributed storage system
- XX Net - A Chinese web proxy and anti-censorship tool
- Microsoft .NET CLI - A CLI tool for .NET