HowtoForgeに3月7日(米国時間)に掲載された記事「Linux nl Command Tutorial for Beginners (7 Examples)」が、nlコマンドの使い方を伝えた。nlコマンドはテキストデータに行数を付与するコマンド。オプションで、空行の扱いや始まりの行数、増加数など、挙動を変更することができる。



# nl /etc/libaudit.conf
     1  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
     2  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

     3  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
     4  failure_action = ignore


-b aで空行にも行番号を付ける

# nl -b a /etc/libaudit.conf
     1  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
     2  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.
     4  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
     5  failure_action = ignore


# nl -i 10 /etc/libaudit.conf
     1  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
    11  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

    21  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
    31  failure_action = ignore



# nl -b a -l 2 /etc/libaudit.conf
     1  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
     2  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

     3  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
     4  failure_action = ignore



# nl -n ln /etc/libaudit.conf
1       # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
2       # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

3       # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
4       failure_action = ignore

# nl -n rn /etc/libaudit.conf
     1  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
     2  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

     3  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
     4  failure_action = ignore

# nl -n rz /etc/libaudit.conf
000001  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
000002  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

000003  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
000004  failure_action = ignore



# nl -s ' [===] ' /etc/libaudit.conf
     1 [===] # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
     2 [===] # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

     3 [===] # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
     4 [===] failure_action = ignore



# nl -v 10 /etc/libaudit.conf
    10  # This is the configuration file for libaudit tunables.
    11  # It is currently only used for the failure_action tunable.

    12  # failure_action can be: log, ignore, terminate
    13  failure_action = ignore

  • nlコマンド実行例 - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

    nlコマンド実行例 - Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

nlコマンドはAT&T System V Release 2 UNIXには登場していたコマンド。初期から存在している古いコマンドだが、あまり使い方が知られていない側面もある。行数を付与する方法として、catコマンドに-nオプションを指定するなどの方法もある。